Home Departments City Assessor
City Assessor
Welcome to the City of Grayling’s Assessing Department
Assessor - Christie Verlac
Email: assessor@cityofgrayling.org
Phone: 989-348-2131
Christie Verlac holds a Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer (MAAO) certification. The City Assessor is an administrative officer appointed by the City Manager and is responsible for all aspects of property tax administration.
schedule an appointment:
The City Assessor is a part-time employee with the City of Grayling. Residents and business owners are asked to schedule an appointment with the assessor to address any questions or concerns by calling 989-348-2131 x101 or email assessor@cityofgrayling.org. Appointments are available Monday through Thursday between the hours of 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Michigan law requires the Assessor to annually value all taxable property at 50% of market value. Taxable property include home, factories, commercial properties and vacant land. It also includes personal property for commercial and industrial businesses.
The Assessor also keeps records on ownership, addresses, homestead exemptions, sales and land/building details for hundreds of properties located within the City.
PLEASE NOTE: By law, if you refuse to provide access to the assessor for an inspection, or fail to respond to such a request, the assessor MUST “estimate the property at the HIGHEST PROBABLE VALUE for which the property might sell in the open market” and assume that the property has all of the improvements and amenities available to other properties in that area. Further, if you fail to provide a “Personal Property Statement” or “Affidavit to Claim Small Business Tax Exemption Form”, the valuation of the personal property must also be estimated. Therefore, it is always in your best interest to cooperate, file your statements and provide access for an inspection.
The property owner must submit a Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Affidavit, Form 2368, to the assessor. The deadline for a property owner to file Form 2368 for taxes levied after December 31, 2011, has changed from May 1 to June 1, and a second deadline of November 1 was added. The exemption information is then posted to the local property tax roll. Normally, when you purchase a home, Form 2368 and other relevant principal residence exemption forms are provided by the closing agents. There are many variables in determining eligibility for the exemption. The Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Guidelines book provides answers to a number of frequently asked questions.
If you sell your home, don't forget to Rescind your Principal Residence Exemption.
Some residents may qualify for Poverty Exemption and should fill out the Poverty Exemption form and the Standards and Application and also review the Poverty Exemption Guidelines.
Some residents may be veterans and should see if they qualify for the Veterans Exemption and review the Disabled Veterans Exemption FAQ (Approved November 2023, Updated February 15, 2024).
Public Inspection Procedures & Sales Analysis
Other forms available are:
Conditional Rescission of Principal Residence Exemption
Land Division & Subdivision Information-Chapter 18 of the City Code of Ordinances
Poverty Exemption Standards and Application 2025